2023 Featherlite FEATHERLITE 1610

Notice:  The information, product description, options and specifications are believed to be correct at the time of posting. However information provided is NOT warrantied nor guaranteed unless noted under separate agreement, as to usability or applicability for a purchaser's needs, or to the accuracy of any listed components or features, information, specifications, capacities or measurements.
About these values
Subsidiary OfUniversal Trailer
TypeCargo Encl BP
Stock IDFT105
StatusIn Stock

No floor plan associated with this model.

OUR PRICE $13,999
MSRP $18,461
Save $4,462 !
(MSRP may not represent actual price)
Notice:  The information, product description, options and specifications are believed to be correct at the time of posting. However information provided is NOT warrantied nor guaranteed unless noted under separate agreement, as to usability or applicability for a purchaser's needs, or to the accuracy of any listed components or features, information, specifications, capacities or measurements.

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VIEW MODEL 2023 Featherlite FEATHERLITE 1610 cargo at Luxury RV's of Arizona STOCK# FT105
Featherlite FEATHERLITE 1610
2023 Featherlite

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